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All are welcome!


If you've gotten this far in my blog journey, you will realize that I DO NOT ONLY photograph women that belong in a magazine.

A little about me: I am a Momma to 5 beautiful little humans. I have been through a lot of life in my years here on Earth. I am not even close to what I imagine as perfect shape, size or color. My skin is starting to wrinkle. My hands look like what I remember my Mom's hands looking like - she was a gardener, a daycare provider, a hard worker for her whole life. I've had stretch marks from my armpits to my knees since I was a teen. I've breastfed all of my children, my youngest until he was nearly 2. I have put everyone before me for the last 17 years. My hair has streaks of silver in it - not from the local salon, either.

I think of myself differently these days than I ever have. I am OK with being how I am right now. Ladies, I bought a bikini this summer... AND I ACTUALLY WORE IT!!!! I am currently a size 14, and I wore a bikini to a public pool; something I have not done since I was 15. And it was electrifying. No one said a word. My children saw me embrace my skin... it was HARD to muster the courage to walk out of the changing room. And then even harder to drop the towel. But, I did it. And they were excited to play in the pool with me. We went on the slides, and I chased them, and swam with them.

Why am I telling you these weird details??? Because someone out there needs to read this. You need to hear that you are beautiful. That you are ENOUGH. That you matter. You should be PROUD of your meat suit.

Everyone has a flaw. You don't see the before pictures in a magazine - Only the "perfected" images that Playboy, Maxim and Vogue want you to see. I want to show you the steps, so (WITH PERMISSION) I am showing you some common skin "flaws" that women are concerned about.

A few weeks ago, I photographed a GORGEOUS woman. She came into the studio with a story. She wanted me to cover all of her "imperfections."

Here is the original. I have cropped this one as a detail shot, but chose it to show you the process. I personally love this shot, I am a sucker for the details.

This was the first layer of corrections. I enhanced her booty - I have worked with her a few times, and I know that this is how she likes to look. She loves herself, but let's face it... after having babies, gravity isn't always nice to us. We filled in on the right of the frame and where the booty touches the couch.

Once I had the shape down, I started filling in the fine lines, and blotchiness. Here is the final result. She was very happy with the image. That is what matters. I strive for each client to be IN LOVE with their photos.

We are all our own worst critic. We all have things we would love to change about ourselves. Let me show you how drop dead gorgeous your soul is.

Come and fall in love with yourself again.



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