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I will never forget...


There are some things in life that just stick with a person.

My first boudoir session, I was more nervous than the gorgeous woman before me. She had won a free mini session from a game in my group. I had already taken pictures of her family, and of her sons earlier that year. "I love my boys, but I already have a lot of pictures of them. I was hoping maaayyyybe we could do a boudoir session as a Valentine's Day gift for my husband?" I hesitated.

I had done a few "intimate" sessions earlier in my career, but something wasn't right. It felt awkward. I was shadowing another photographer, and he made it seem...dirty. I was asked a few times since that experience, and I declined. It was just not something I was comfortable with.

This time was different. I decided that I would do it. I let (Miss H) know that it had been A HOT MINUTE since I have done this type of session, but we would navigate this awkwardness together. We had a little laugh about it, and I got to work in the studio. I had a few things we could use for the session, but obviously newborn props are NOT going to work, lol. It didn't help that I had a birthday session in the same space 3 days prior to Miss H's session :D

She was AMAZING throughout the entire session. She was a little nervous at first (as was I) but we both warmed up rather quickly. She started off the session in a cute sweater, and then hubby's fave button up shirt, and then one of hubby's flannel shirts - he is an avid outdoorsman.

The thing I WILL NEVER FORGET? Watching her transform. She came in to the studio timid and apprehensive. As she finished the first ensemble and was changing into the next, we went from talking about makeup and work days to talking about what he will think when he opens the gift and what his reaction may be. We joked, maybe I'd hear from her in the next few months to schedule a maternity session?

That was it for me. That transformation. This is now my path. I live for "THAT MOMENT."

Ladies - if you are apprehensive, I get it. I TOTALLY understand. Please know that we will never ask you to do something you are not comfortable with. If you want to come in and wear a sweater for your session, I would LOVE to be your photographer. If you want to wear nothing but rollerskates and elbow pads - I want to be YOUR photographer too.

There are so many sessions that have stuck with me -

"OHMYGOODNESS! I look like Marilyn Monroe!"


"OH MY GOD! I love them!!! Damn Girl, u r good!"

It literally fills my heart. This is what I love. I can't wait to show you the BOMBSHELL you didn't know you were.

Much love,


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